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LabVIEW on the iPad
The Data Dashboard lets you create a custom and portable view of your National Instruments LabVIEW applications. Portable devices such as the iPad can easily be set up to display the values of network published shared variables and/or web services on charts, gauges, text indicators and LEDs.
> Viewgraphs (0.4 MB)
Object Oriented Programming is a powerful software development methodology that has become an accepted standard in many programming languages, such as C++ and Java, and is available within the LabVIEW programming environment. Introduced are the basics concepts of Object Oriented software development and the LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming (LVOOP) model. Real-world examples are given to demonstrate how and when LVOOP can be used, and the advantages it can bring to your LabVIEW applications.
> Viewgraphs (0.9 MB)
Improving the Performance of Your LabVIEW Applications
Explore the internal workings of the LabVIEW execution engine, and learn how to use those principles to improve your performance and memory usage. In this presentation, we discuss how to find performance problems, including finding places in your source code to concentrate your optimization effort. Then, once you have identified your target areas, you will need to know what is going on under LabVIEW’s hood. The second part of the talk introduces you to LabVIEW memory management, and the inner workings of its execution system.
> Viewgraphs (1.4 MB)
What’s New In LabVIEW 2010?
The latest version of LabVIEW software adds programming and productivity features to help you improve your application efficiency and performance, while achieving more with evolving PC and embedded technology platforms. Gain productivity with features implemented from user feedback including: Save VIs without compiled code, Compiler Optimizations, Stream Data over the Network, SubVI Inlining, Web-Based Hardware Configuration, Find and Install Instrument Drivers, Feedback-Driven Improvements, Export Graph Data to Excel, Import External FPGA IP and Packed Project Libraries.
> Viewgraphs (1.2 MB)
National Instruments Training & Certification
Learn what you can achieve with National Instruments Training on a personal and company level and the importance of training and certification. Review the details and benefits of training, the different training options and the LabVIEW Training and Certification track. The certification LabVIEW track starts with the Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD), progresses to the Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD) level and finally to Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA). This lecture provides details, sample questions and answers with tips and tricks on how to be successful when taking the exams for the different certification levels.
> Viewgraphs (4.3 MB)
Using LabVIEW for High Performance Computing
Multi-core processors, GPUs, FPGAs, DSPs, and Computer Grids are all part of High Performance Computing (HPC). HPC is applied in many areas such as High Energy Physics, Bio-informatics, RF Analysis, Finance, Cryptography, and Defense. The presentation reviews how to run LabVIEW on a grid, multi-core processor, GPUs, DSPs, and FPGAs. A case study is presented on the acceleration of algorithms using LabVIEW for FPGA.
> Viewgraphs (1.1 MB)
Novel PAPR Reduction Algorithm in MIMO OFDM Systems
A novel algorithm that will concentrate the signal energy using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and then further reduced the Peak Amplitude to Power Ratio (PAPR) through an iterative method using WiMAX and LabVIEW prototyping & simulation.
> Viewgraphs (0.8 MB)
NI Technical Conference
This full-day Conference was held to provide a forum to strengthen engineering skills and learn about the late devolopments in test, measurement, and control technologies. The Conference included in-depth, technical presentations (listed below) offering content for all experience levels.
> Architecting High-Speed Data Streaming Systems (3.1 MB)
> Deploying and Customizing NI LabVIEW Embedded Technologies (2.8 MB)
> High Performance Computing Using FPGAs (1.3 MB)
> Incorporating FPGAs in Test Applications (5.3 MB)
> Introduction to NI Real-Time Hypervisor (0.8 MB)
> Introduction to LabVIEW (2.3 MB)
> Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks (2.8 MB)
> LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming (1.4 MB)
> New Development and Productivity Features for LabVIEW 2009 (1.8 MB)
> NI Multisim - Electronic Design, Circuit Simulation and Prototyping (1.4 MB)
> Utilizing the Latest Technologies in Data Acquisition (2.5 MB)
What's New in LabVIEW 2009?
In addition to providing increased performance for parallel programming with multi-core processors and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), LabVIEW 2009 provides access to the latest wireless technologies and simplifies real-time math by streamlining mathematical algorithm design and deployment to deterministic hardware.
> Viewgraphs (1.3 MB)
Software Engineering for LabVIEW Applications
As software becomes rapidly more complex and plays a growing role in mission-critical applications, most developers need to abide by established software engineering practices in order to ensure that an application is reliable, safe and fault tolerant. This presentation examines the typical development life cycle and explains the best practices and recommendations for programming with LabVIEW in a structured development environment.
> Viewgraphs (4.2 MB)
Improving Test Efficiency with LXI
Learn about LXI (LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation), a useful Automated Test Equipment (ATE) standards-based platform. LXI is the power of Ethernet and the Web applied to test & measurement allowing your test systems to be local, remote, distributed and time-aware. The seminar focuses on the LXI specification, features, and testing benefits. Discover the various Classes of LXI and the value of Class A instruments and notice how the LXI standard empowers users to create mission critical tests. Find out the potential applications and uses of LXI including ATE, Functional Test, Temperature and Voltage Data Acquisition, Structural Test, Strain Measurements, Environmental Test, Signal Switching and Conditioning and more.
> Viewgraphs (0.7 MB)
Building Applications with LabVIEW
Terry Stratoudakis - ALE System Integration
The LabVIEW Application Builder is a tool that enables LabVIEW users to configure build specifications for stand-alone applications that can be distributed to users, create shared libraries so that LabVIEW code can be called from text-based programming languages, develop source distribution packages of LabVIEW source files to be distributed to other LabVIEW developers and installers to install stand-alone applications. This lecture covers the details required to use your existing VIs and step through the tasks required for configuring build specifications in LabVIEW and creating application installers.
> Viewgraphs (0.5 MB)
The LabVIEW Style Templates
Peter Blume - Bloomy Controls
A variety of development resources are available from The LabVIEW Style Book, the companion web site and a project directory template. In addition, design pattern templates including Immediate SubVI, Continuous Loop, Event Handling Loop, Classic State Machine, Queued State Machine, Event-Driven State Machine, and Producer-Consumer templates are available.
LabVIEW utility VIs such as the Two Button Dialog VI, Wait n mSec VI, Merge Multiple Errors VI, and the Clear Error All or Specified VI can also be obtained. The Style Rules Checklist can be downloaded. It contains over 225 style rules that are presented throughout The LabVIEW Style Book that can be utilized when performing code reviews or as a quick look-up reference when discussing style with peers. The checklist contents can be customized to a style convention that fits your organization. These resources may help to improve the productivity and style of a single LabVIEW developer or a team.
> Viewgraphs (1.8 MB)
Noise Figure Measurements
Noise figure is one of the key parameters used to characterize the ability of receivers and their lower-level components to process weak signals in the presence of thermal noise. Accurate measurements of noise figure are crucial in both R&D and manufacturing situations. In R&D, better accuracy allows for better agreement between simulations and measurements, and may help uncover noise contributors that were not considered in the simulation. In manufacturing, higher accuracy means smaller guard bands for setting and verifying component specifications.
There are two main methods in use today to measure noise figure. The most prevalent methods are the Y-factor and the cold-source techniques. The Y-factor technique is easy to use, and it provides good measurement accuracy, especially when the noise source has a good source match and can be connected directly to the UUT. With the cold-source method, instead of using a noise source at the UUT’s input, a second E-Cal is used to change the source impedance. The correct 50 ohm source impedance noise figure can than be calculated. Additional errors can be removed when compared to the Y-Factor method resulting in a more accurate measure of the noise figure.
> Viewgraphs (2.5 MB)
Bring your Questions & Find Solutions
LabVIEW Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are addressed including if you should update to the latest LabVIEW before your application has been fielded, where to find instrument drivers, if you can run multiple LabVIEW and toolkit versions on same PC, best book to get for new user or for an intermediate/advanced user. In addition, questions such as how much documentation should I provide with each on of my VIs are answered along with what is the best way to collect and store large amounts of data from memory to file, and the proper way to allocate memory in LabVIEW. Other topics included are: how to avoid timing issues when upgrading to a new computer, how to correctly print your VI's front panel, block diagram, subVIs, controls, VI history and documentation and how to properly move around a large block diagram using the Navigation Window.
> Viewgraphs (0.2 MB)
Refactoring LabVIEW Code
LabVIEW on the iPad
The Data Dashboard lets you create a custom and portable view of your National Instruments LabVIEW applications. Portable devices such as the iPad can easily be set up to display the values of network published shared variables and/or web services on charts, gauges, text indicators and LEDs.
> Viewgraphs (0.4 MB)
LabVIEW Design Patterns
The presentation covers a variety of different LabVIEW Design Patterns, with a focus on the more advanced patterns: Producer/Consumer, Event-Based, and State Charts namely.
> Viewgraphs (1.6 MB)
Tips & Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Performance
Improve the performance of your LabVIEW VIs without adding a single node or wire. Explore benchmarking tips and learn when to use subroutine priorities, inlining subVIs and dynamic calls. Plus, see some new usability features added in LabVIEW 2011.
> Viewgraphs (0.8 MB)
What’s New in LabVIEW 2011
This presentation discusses and demonstrates the new LabVIEW 2011 features designed to make any engineer a better and more efficient programmer. Take a tour through the LabVIEW platform, including LabVIEW Real-Time and LabVIEW FPGA to see the following: Unrivaled hardware integration with multi-core NI CompactRIO processors, New UI libraries, math and signal processing IP, and advanced APIs for controlling asynchronous threads and deploying executables, Integration of .m file structures and assemblies from the latest Microsoft .NET framework, 13 new productivity-enhancing features driven by the LabVIEW community, Enhanced stability to meet the needs of mission-critical applications and In-product access to a community of add-on tools from companies who have standardized on LabVIEW.
> Viewgraphs (1.3 MB)
Creating Quality UIs with LabVIEW
This presentation goes over basic user interface theory, best practices and cool tricks of UI design on a LabVIEW Front Panel, and resources for finding existing UI components. Learn how to expand the basic offerings of the LabVIEW Front Panel to fit any application need.
> Viewgraphs (3.5 MB)
> Zip Files (3.4 MB)
Object Oriented Programming in LabVIEW
The presentation covers a variety of different LabVIEW Design Patterns, with a focus on the more advanced patterns: Producer/Consumer, Event-Based, and State Charts namely.
> Viewgraphs (1.6 MB)
Tips & Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Performance
Improve the performance of your LabVIEW VIs without adding a single node or wire. Explore benchmarking tips and learn when to use subroutine priorities, inlining subVIs and dynamic calls. Plus, see some new usability features added in LabVIEW 2011.
> Viewgraphs (0.8 MB)
What’s New in LabVIEW 2011
This presentation discusses and demonstrates the new LabVIEW 2011 features designed to make any engineer a better and more efficient programmer. Take a tour through the LabVIEW platform, including LabVIEW Real-Time and LabVIEW FPGA to see the following: Unrivaled hardware integration with multi-core NI CompactRIO processors, New UI libraries, math and signal processing IP, and advanced APIs for controlling asynchronous threads and deploying executables, Integration of .m file structures and assemblies from the latest Microsoft .NET framework, 13 new productivity-enhancing features driven by the LabVIEW community, Enhanced stability to meet the needs of mission-critical applications and In-product access to a community of add-on tools from companies who have standardized on LabVIEW.
> Viewgraphs (1.3 MB)
Creating Quality UIs with LabVIEW
This presentation goes over basic user interface theory, best practices and cool tricks of UI design on a LabVIEW Front Panel, and resources for finding existing UI components. Learn how to expand the basic offerings of the LabVIEW Front Panel to fit any application need.
> Viewgraphs (3.5 MB)
> Zip Files (3.4 MB)
Object Oriented Programming in LabVIEW
Object Oriented Programming is a powerful software development methodology that has become an accepted standard in many programming languages, such as C++ and Java, and is available within the LabVIEW programming environment. Introduced are the basics concepts of Object Oriented software development and the LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming (LVOOP) model. Real-world examples are given to demonstrate how and when LVOOP can be used, and the advantages it can bring to your LabVIEW applications.
> Viewgraphs (0.9 MB)
Improving the Performance of Your LabVIEW Applications
Explore the internal workings of the LabVIEW execution engine, and learn how to use those principles to improve your performance and memory usage. In this presentation, we discuss how to find performance problems, including finding places in your source code to concentrate your optimization effort. Then, once you have identified your target areas, you will need to know what is going on under LabVIEW’s hood. The second part of the talk introduces you to LabVIEW memory management, and the inner workings of its execution system.
> Viewgraphs (1.4 MB)
What’s New In LabVIEW 2010?
The latest version of LabVIEW software adds programming and productivity features to help you improve your application efficiency and performance, while achieving more with evolving PC and embedded technology platforms. Gain productivity with features implemented from user feedback including: Save VIs without compiled code, Compiler Optimizations, Stream Data over the Network, SubVI Inlining, Web-Based Hardware Configuration, Find and Install Instrument Drivers, Feedback-Driven Improvements, Export Graph Data to Excel, Import External FPGA IP and Packed Project Libraries.
> Viewgraphs (1.2 MB)
National Instruments Training & Certification
Learn what you can achieve with National Instruments Training on a personal and company level and the importance of training and certification. Review the details and benefits of training, the different training options and the LabVIEW Training and Certification track. The certification LabVIEW track starts with the Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD), progresses to the Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD) level and finally to Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA). This lecture provides details, sample questions and answers with tips and tricks on how to be successful when taking the exams for the different certification levels.
> Viewgraphs (4.3 MB)
Using LabVIEW for High Performance Computing

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Novel PAPR Reduction Algorithm in MIMO OFDM Systems
A novel algorithm that will concentrate the signal energy using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and then further reduced the Peak Amplitude to Power Ratio (PAPR) through an iterative method using WiMAX and LabVIEW prototyping & simulation.
> Viewgraphs (0.8 MB)
NI Technical Conference
This full-day Conference was held to provide a forum to strengthen engineering skills and learn about the late devolopments in test, measurement, and control technologies. The Conference included in-depth, technical presentations (listed below) offering content for all experience levels.
> Architecting High-Speed Data Streaming Systems (3.1 MB)
> Deploying and Customizing NI LabVIEW Embedded Technologies (2.8 MB)
> High Performance Computing Using FPGAs (1.3 MB)
> Incorporating FPGAs in Test Applications (5.3 MB)
> Introduction to NI Real-Time Hypervisor (0.8 MB)
> Introduction to LabVIEW (2.3 MB)
> Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks (2.8 MB)
> LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming (1.4 MB)
> New Development and Productivity Features for LabVIEW 2009 (1.8 MB)
> NI Multisim - Electronic Design, Circuit Simulation and Prototyping (1.4 MB)
> Utilizing the Latest Technologies in Data Acquisition (2.5 MB)
What's New in LabVIEW 2009?
In addition to providing increased performance for parallel programming with multi-core processors and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), LabVIEW 2009 provides access to the latest wireless technologies and simplifies real-time math by streamlining mathematical algorithm design and deployment to deterministic hardware.
> Viewgraphs (1.3 MB)
Software Engineering for LabVIEW Applications
As software becomes rapidly more complex and plays a growing role in mission-critical applications, most developers need to abide by established software engineering practices in order to ensure that an application is reliable, safe and fault tolerant. This presentation examines the typical development life cycle and explains the best practices and recommendations for programming with LabVIEW in a structured development environment.
> Viewgraphs (4.2 MB)
Improving Test Efficiency with LXI

> Viewgraphs (0.7 MB)
Building Applications with LabVIEW

The LabVIEW Application Builder is a tool that enables LabVIEW users to configure build specifications for stand-alone applications that can be distributed to users, create shared libraries so that LabVIEW code can be called from text-based programming languages, develop source distribution packages of LabVIEW source files to be distributed to other LabVIEW developers and installers to install stand-alone applications. This lecture covers the details required to use your existing VIs and step through the tasks required for configuring build specifications in LabVIEW and creating application installers.
> Viewgraphs (0.5 MB)
The LabVIEW Style Templates

A variety of development resources are available from The LabVIEW Style Book, the companion web site and a project directory template. In addition, design pattern templates including Immediate SubVI, Continuous Loop, Event Handling Loop, Classic State Machine, Queued State Machine, Event-Driven State Machine, and Producer-Consumer templates are available.
LabVIEW utility VIs such as the Two Button Dialog VI, Wait n mSec VI, Merge Multiple Errors VI, and the Clear Error All or Specified VI can also be obtained. The Style Rules Checklist can be downloaded. It contains over 225 style rules that are presented throughout The LabVIEW Style Book that can be utilized when performing code reviews or as a quick look-up reference when discussing style with peers. The checklist contents can be customized to a style convention that fits your organization. These resources may help to improve the productivity and style of a single LabVIEW developer or a team.
> Viewgraphs (1.8 MB)
Noise Figure Measurements
Noise figure is one of the key parameters used to characterize the ability of receivers and their lower-level components to process weak signals in the presence of thermal noise. Accurate measurements of noise figure are crucial in both R&D and manufacturing situations. In R&D, better accuracy allows for better agreement between simulations and measurements, and may help uncover noise contributors that were not considered in the simulation. In manufacturing, higher accuracy means smaller guard bands for setting and verifying component specifications.
There are two main methods in use today to measure noise figure. The most prevalent methods are the Y-factor and the cold-source techniques. The Y-factor technique is easy to use, and it provides good measurement accuracy, especially when the noise source has a good source match and can be connected directly to the UUT. With the cold-source method, instead of using a noise source at the UUT’s input, a second E-Cal is used to change the source impedance. The correct 50 ohm source impedance noise figure can than be calculated. Additional errors can be removed when compared to the Y-Factor method resulting in a more accurate measure of the noise figure.
> Viewgraphs (2.5 MB)
Bring your Questions & Find Solutions
LabVIEW Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are addressed including if you should update to the latest LabVIEW before your application has been fielded, where to find instrument drivers, if you can run multiple LabVIEW and toolkit versions on same PC, best book to get for new user or for an intermediate/advanced user. In addition, questions such as how much documentation should I provide with each on of my VIs are answered along with what is the best way to collect and store large amounts of data from memory to file, and the proper way to allocate memory in LabVIEW. Other topics included are: how to avoid timing issues when upgrading to a new computer, how to correctly print your VI's front panel, block diagram, subVIs, controls, VI history and documentation and how to properly move around a large block diagram using the Navigation Window.
> Viewgraphs (0.2 MB)
Refactoring LabVIEW Code
In Software Engineering, code refactoring is any change to a computer program's code which improves its readability or simplifies its structure without changing its external behavior, and is sometimes informally referred to as "cleaning it up". Refactoring neither fixes bugs nor adds new functionality. Rather it improves the understandability of the code or changes its internal structure and design, and removes dead code, to make it easier for human maintenance in the future. In particular, adding new behavior to a program might be difficult with the program's given structure, so a developer might refactor it first to make it easier, and then add the new behavior.
Legacy LabVIEW code is something that nearly all LabVIEW programmers come across in their careers. Whether it is software written by a novice programmer or even by yourself when you were first learning to program in LabVIEW, refactoring can be an effective technique. It can help make legacy LabVIEW code more manageable, easier to maintain, and scalable so you can add new features. Learn tips, tricks, and time-proven techniques to refactor your LabVIEW code.
> Viewgraphs (0.4 MB)
MIL-STD-1553 Today and Into the Future
Mike Glass & George Los - Data Device Corporation
The MIL-STD-1553 serial data bus has served as the primary command and control data network for military/aerospace avionics platforms for the last three decades. This lecture covers both the history of 1553 and its contemporary applications. An overview of the 1553 protocol, bus coupling methods, transmission media, topology and installation will be analyzed. Common application errors and pitfalls to avoid will be discussed along with time-saving troubleshooting tips and techniques.
A comprehensive view of some key specifications and features to consider when selecting a 1553 solution will be presented. The latest revision of the standard (1553 Notice 6) will be examined and what is the industry status with the new High Speed 1553 standard and Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 specification and usage. In addition, the lecture provides insight into industry trends and how to achieve performance improvements while using an aircraft's existing wiring and infrastructure.
> Viewgraphs (1.4 MB)
Selection Criteria for DC Power Supplies
Blair Clements - AMETEK
While DC Power Supplies do not appear to be as complex as some other test & measurement instruments, their range of use in many different applications can expose them to potential problems if the proper precautions are not taken. This seminar discusses different types of Power Supply design and their advantages and disadvantages. Common problems are covered, with recommendations and solutions on how to avoid them. Other topics include: key DC Power Supply specifications to consider when buying a power supply, constant voltage/current operation, remote sensing, considerations when powering inductive and pulsed loads, parallel operation, analog programming and thermal management of test stands.
> Viewgraphs (0.7 MB)
LabVIEW FPGA and CompactRIO
Dr. Wei Lin - SUNY, Stony Brook
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a silicon logic device containing programmable logic blocks and interconnects. The same silicon chip can perform various functions based on the bit stream downloaded to the device. The bit stream contains the switching information of the programmable logic blocks and interconnects.
LabVIEW FPGA is a software tool that simplifies the design and implementation of FPGA when combined with NI FPGA enabled hardware. CompactRIO is such hardware that uses FPGA as the reconfigurable backbone in the chassis hosting I/O modules. This presentation introduces the LabVIEW FPGA and the configuration of CompactRIO system. A demonstration is given on how to create a LabVIEW application to generate and collect analog signals using the CompactRIO system.
> Viewgraphs (0.4 MB)
What's New in LabVIEW 8.6
Robert Berger - National Instruments
Learn about new features in NI LabVIEW 8.6, including the platform installation DVDs, Block Diagram Cleanup, Quick Drop, and Web services creation. In addition to these added tools to the LabVIEW development system, explore new features in the LabVIEW modules and toolkits, including industrial function blocks in the LabVIEW Real-Time Module and new LabVIEW FPGA Module IP.
> Viewgraphs (1.5 MB)
USB Data Acquisition with LabVIEW
Robert Berger - National Instruments
USB has become one of the most popular buses for the newest generation of data acquisition products. Though the standard has been around for a while, recent improvements in technology, such as the USB Hi-Speed bandwidth for throughput, affordable chip-scale isolators, and Signal Streaming technology, have made USB for data acquisition an even more viable option as a DAQ system. Because of this, the current USB specification is a natural fit for National Instruments DAQ due to its combination of ease of use and speed.
> Viewgraphs (0.6 MB)
Developing Instrument Drivers with LabVIEW
Terry Stratoudakis - ALE System Integration
2008 June 12
It is very for common for automated test, measurement, and control systems to include instruments from various manufacturers and multiple interfaces. Instrument drivers will simplify system development and increase code reuse. In addition, different type of instrument interfaces are discussed including USB, GPIB, Serial, FireWire, and Ethernet. Various type of LabVIEW instrument driver architectures, and the NI Instrument Driver guidelines are also reviewed.
> Viewgraphs (0.5 MB)
Measurements You Didn't Think You Could Make with Your Scope
Mike Tranchemontagne - Tektronix
2008 April 17
Tricks of the trade on a state-of-the-art Oscilloscope are presented. Topics include discovering intermittent faults, reducing vertical noise; high precision vertical measurements, various triggering methods, jitter measurement with real-time eye diagrams, and measuring compliance on standard busses and links.
> Viewgraphs (3.1 MB)
Bring your VIs to your LabVIEW User Group
Nikolaos Golas - Telephonics
2008 March 13
LabVIEW utilities and other VIs submitted by members of the Long Island LabVIEW User Group are reviewed. They include utilities to add the date and time to the filename where data will be saved (time stamping), check and remove illegal characters from the filename that Users might have entered by mistake or display the
day and time on the front panel window title. In addition, using the submitted VI Memory Manager will allow one to abort runaway VIs without having to close LabVIEW and potentially losing any unsaved work.
> Viewgraphs (0.6 MB)
> Accompanying VI Files
The Significance of LabVIEW Development Style
Peter Blume - Bloomy Controls
2008 March 13
A direct relationship exists between LabVIEW development style and software quality. Specifically, style impacts the performance, reliability, maintainability, ease of use, efficiency, and complexity of all LabVIEW applications. A set of LabVIEW best practices that have evolved over 15 years is presented. Also covered is the relationship between style and quality from a practical and philosophical perspective.
> Viewgraphs (1.1 MB)
Vibration Analysis Measurement
Jack Field - IOtech
2008 January 22
The lecture begins with an introduction to vibration basics, vibration measurement and terminology. Applications are then reviewed including impact tests, rotary failures and faults, and vibration fault identification. Implementation considerations such as software analysis, data representation, machine monitoring are also covered.
> Viewgraphs (1.7 MB)
Why Should You Care About JTAG, Boundary Scan & IEEE 1149
Heiko Ehrenberg - GOEPEL Electronics
2007 December 13
Boundary Scan (often also referred to as JTAG), as defined in IEEE standard 1149.1, has been adopted by many engineers as test methodology for prototype verification and for production testing. This successful technology has its limitations, though some of which can be overcome with newer test standards, such as IEEE 1149.4 and IEEE 1149.6. This seminar provides an introduction to Boundary Scan and related IEEE standards, compares the technology to other production test methodologies, and discusses the benefits of combining Boundary Scan tools with Functional Test equipment, with a focus on Extended Boundary Scan applications based on reconfigurable tester hardware.
> Viewgraphs (1.0 MB)
Using Databases in LabVIEW
Charlie Spitaleri - ALE System Integration
2007 December 6
For LabVIEW users without a computer science background, a database can be confusing and even daunting. This presentation covers a brief background on databases, why they are used, and reviews Structured Query Language (SQL). These topics are then brought together with the LabVIEW interfaces via the Database Connectivity Toolkit. Code examples are provided, using the specific toolkit VIs and SQL.
> Viewgraphs (0.2 MB)
Tips, Tricks and Techniques for Efficient LabVIEW Development
Nikolaos Golas - Telephonics
2007 December 6
Whether you are a LabVIEW beginner or expert developer, these tips, tricks and techniques can increase the efficiency of developing your LabVIEW application. Learn about saving keystroke, managing large arrays, working with the Icon Editor & images, removing breakpoints from hierarchy, adding recently-used folders to LabVIEW file dialogs, moving quickly through different frames in multi-frame structures, and speeding-up UI updating. In addition, the LabVIEW Color Picker is demystified. Consistent application of the right colors, and implementing consistent fonts are also covered.
> Viewgraphs (0.8 MB)
> Accompanying VI Files
Beyond S-Parameters: Modern Network Analyzer Architectures
Ernie Jackson - Agilent Technologies
2007 November 29
The need to accurately characterize the linear and nonlinear performance of high frequency components, combined with a trend towards greater sub-system integration, is changing the way RF and microwave devices are tested. This seminar discusses these issues in more detail and how vector network analyzers are adapting by adding a second internal signal generator and by expanding the number of test ports in the test system. Also discussed are advances in VNA calibration that ensure the accuracy associated with two-port S-parameter measurements is maintained.
> Viewgraphs (2.3 MB)
Pick a Palette and Beyond: Report Generation with LabVIEW
Terry Stratoudakis - ALE System Integration
2007 September 13
Every automated test and control application needs some form of report generation, whether it is for ISO compliance, for internal tracking, or to convey the results in a meaningful form. The methodologies for automated report generation in LabVIEW are reviewed. Topics include standard VIs to create, print, save & perform format changes, express VIs to generate reports in Standard, DIAdem and DIAdem formats, HTML VIs to create and save HTML files, report Layout VIs and advanced VIs for special functions.
> Viewgraphs (0.9 MB)
Legacy LabVIEW code is something that nearly all LabVIEW programmers come across in their careers. Whether it is software written by a novice programmer or even by yourself when you were first learning to program in LabVIEW, refactoring can be an effective technique. It can help make legacy LabVIEW code more manageable, easier to maintain, and scalable so you can add new features. Learn tips, tricks, and time-proven techniques to refactor your LabVIEW code.
> Viewgraphs (0.4 MB)
MIL-STD-1553 Today and Into the Future

The MIL-STD-1553 serial data bus has served as the primary command and control data network for military/aerospace avionics platforms for the last three decades. This lecture covers both the history of 1553 and its contemporary applications. An overview of the 1553 protocol, bus coupling methods, transmission media, topology and installation will be analyzed. Common application errors and pitfalls to avoid will be discussed along with time-saving troubleshooting tips and techniques.
A comprehensive view of some key specifications and features to consider when selecting a 1553 solution will be presented. The latest revision of the standard (1553 Notice 6) will be examined and what is the industry status with the new High Speed 1553 standard and Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 specification and usage. In addition, the lecture provides insight into industry trends and how to achieve performance improvements while using an aircraft's existing wiring and infrastructure.
> Viewgraphs (1.4 MB)
Selection Criteria for DC Power Supplies

While DC Power Supplies do not appear to be as complex as some other test & measurement instruments, their range of use in many different applications can expose them to potential problems if the proper precautions are not taken. This seminar discusses different types of Power Supply design and their advantages and disadvantages. Common problems are covered, with recommendations and solutions on how to avoid them. Other topics include: key DC Power Supply specifications to consider when buying a power supply, constant voltage/current operation, remote sensing, considerations when powering inductive and pulsed loads, parallel operation, analog programming and thermal management of test stands.
> Viewgraphs (0.7 MB)
LabVIEW FPGA and CompactRIO

Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a silicon logic device containing programmable logic blocks and interconnects. The same silicon chip can perform various functions based on the bit stream downloaded to the device. The bit stream contains the switching information of the programmable logic blocks and interconnects.
LabVIEW FPGA is a software tool that simplifies the design and implementation of FPGA when combined with NI FPGA enabled hardware. CompactRIO is such hardware that uses FPGA as the reconfigurable backbone in the chassis hosting I/O modules. This presentation introduces the LabVIEW FPGA and the configuration of CompactRIO system. A demonstration is given on how to create a LabVIEW application to generate and collect analog signals using the CompactRIO system.
> Viewgraphs (0.4 MB)
What's New in LabVIEW 8.6

Learn about new features in NI LabVIEW 8.6, including the platform installation DVDs, Block Diagram Cleanup, Quick Drop, and Web services creation. In addition to these added tools to the LabVIEW development system, explore new features in the LabVIEW modules and toolkits, including industrial function blocks in the LabVIEW Real-Time Module and new LabVIEW FPGA Module IP.
> Viewgraphs (1.5 MB)
USB Data Acquisition with LabVIEW

USB has become one of the most popular buses for the newest generation of data acquisition products. Though the standard has been around for a while, recent improvements in technology, such as the USB Hi-Speed bandwidth for throughput, affordable chip-scale isolators, and Signal Streaming technology, have made USB for data acquisition an even more viable option as a DAQ system. Because of this, the current USB specification is a natural fit for National Instruments DAQ due to its combination of ease of use and speed.
> Viewgraphs (0.6 MB)



It is very for common for automated test, measurement, and control systems to include instruments from various manufacturers and multiple interfaces. Instrument drivers will simplify system development and increase code reuse. In addition, different type of instrument interfaces are discussed including USB, GPIB, Serial, FireWire, and Ethernet. Various type of LabVIEW instrument driver architectures, and the NI Instrument Driver guidelines are also reviewed.
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Tricks of the trade on a state-of-the-art Oscilloscope are presented. Topics include discovering intermittent faults, reducing vertical noise; high precision vertical measurements, various triggering methods, jitter measurement with real-time eye diagrams, and measuring compliance on standard busses and links.
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LabVIEW utilities and other VIs submitted by members of the Long Island LabVIEW User Group are reviewed. They include utilities to add the date and time to the filename where data will be saved (time stamping), check and remove illegal characters from the filename that Users might have entered by mistake or display the
day and time on the front panel window title. In addition, using the submitted VI Memory Manager will allow one to abort runaway VIs without having to close LabVIEW and potentially losing any unsaved work.
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> Accompanying VI Files



A direct relationship exists between LabVIEW development style and software quality. Specifically, style impacts the performance, reliability, maintainability, ease of use, efficiency, and complexity of all LabVIEW applications. A set of LabVIEW best practices that have evolved over 15 years is presented. Also covered is the relationship between style and quality from a practical and philosophical perspective.
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The lecture begins with an introduction to vibration basics, vibration measurement and terminology. Applications are then reviewed including impact tests, rotary failures and faults, and vibration fault identification. Implementation considerations such as software analysis, data representation, machine monitoring are also covered.
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Boundary Scan (often also referred to as JTAG), as defined in IEEE standard 1149.1, has been adopted by many engineers as test methodology for prototype verification and for production testing. This successful technology has its limitations, though some of which can be overcome with newer test standards, such as IEEE 1149.4 and IEEE 1149.6. This seminar provides an introduction to Boundary Scan and related IEEE standards, compares the technology to other production test methodologies, and discusses the benefits of combining Boundary Scan tools with Functional Test equipment, with a focus on Extended Boundary Scan applications based on reconfigurable tester hardware.
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For LabVIEW users without a computer science background, a database can be confusing and even daunting. This presentation covers a brief background on databases, why they are used, and reviews Structured Query Language (SQL). These topics are then brought together with the LabVIEW interfaces via the Database Connectivity Toolkit. Code examples are provided, using the specific toolkit VIs and SQL.
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Whether you are a LabVIEW beginner or expert developer, these tips, tricks and techniques can increase the efficiency of developing your LabVIEW application. Learn about saving keystroke, managing large arrays, working with the Icon Editor & images, removing breakpoints from hierarchy, adding recently-used folders to LabVIEW file dialogs, moving quickly through different frames in multi-frame structures, and speeding-up UI updating. In addition, the LabVIEW Color Picker is demystified. Consistent application of the right colors, and implementing consistent fonts are also covered.
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> Accompanying VI Files



The need to accurately characterize the linear and nonlinear performance of high frequency components, combined with a trend towards greater sub-system integration, is changing the way RF and microwave devices are tested. This seminar discusses these issues in more detail and how vector network analyzers are adapting by adding a second internal signal generator and by expanding the number of test ports in the test system. Also discussed are advances in VNA calibration that ensure the accuracy associated with two-port S-parameter measurements is maintained.
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Every automated test and control application needs some form of report generation, whether it is for ISO compliance, for internal tracking, or to convey the results in a meaningful form. The methodologies for automated report generation in LabVIEW are reviewed. Topics include standard VIs to create, print, save & perform format changes, express VIs to generate reports in Standard, DIAdem and DIAdem formats, HTML VIs to create and save HTML files, report Layout VIs and advanced VIs for special functions.
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